Friday, February 8, 2013

Making Progress

I am done with crutches! This is the point in the rehabilitation process where I start to feel like I am making real progress. I can now do a wider variety of cardio exercises. I can also do more advanced abdominal and arm exercises, and add new full weight bearing exercises for the lower body. My right hip feels quite a bit stronger than my left hip, but my physical therapist says that in the weeks to come the two will start to even out with each other. If my left hip feels weak or sore, instead of feeling discouraged, I tell myself that in just 10 weeks it will feel as great as my right hip does now. I really worked to try to keep my right hip progressing while my left hip was still in the early phases of healing.

Making progress :)

I have had a lot of fun doing full ballet barres at home with just my arms. It has allowed me to focus in on some aspects of port de bras that I may have neglected when I was also focusing on my legs. This has been a great opportunity to break bad habits that I had because the movements are not so deeply ingrained in my muscles. I have also enjoyed going to ballet class once a week to observe and take notes. Watching ballet classes has really given me a new perspective on technique. It is interesting to see what the teacher is talking about on other dancers rather than just trying to envision and apply the corrections to myself. Below are a couple photos that my friend and I took a few days before I got off of my crutches.
The Injured Dancer
Our version of the famous pose from the ballet Apollo :)

I am very grateful for all of the amazing support that I have received from the twirling and dance worlds and from my friends and family. Thank you so much everyone. You have made this whole experience much easier and more enjoyable.

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