Thursday, February 21, 2013

Getting There!

My left hip is progressing much quicker than my right hip did! My physical therapist says that it is doing so well because I am not being overly cautious with it like I was with my right hip. She said that being too careful allows scar tissue to build up. I was surprised to hear this! I had thought that I wasn't being careful enough with my left. At times I almost felt guilty for not being extra careful with it. I guess my lack of cautiousness was actually to my benefit!
First day back!
 I have been able to do some twirling! I got a blister on my hand on the first day back. I guess my skin isn't used to twirling a baton anymore :). As I am able to slowly begin doing some baton movements, I am being very careful to avoid falling back into any bad habits.  It is so nice to have a fresh start at everything, and to be able to break habits that were seemingly impossible to break because they were so deeply ingrained in my muscles. For the first time since my surgeries, I really feel like the end of the recovery process is near! I am very pleased with how well both hips are doing and I have full confidence that they will return to 100%. I still have a ways to go before I'm able to attempt illusions and other moves that are very hard on the hip joint, but I am definitely getting there.     
Almost there :)

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