Friday, November 2, 2012


The surgery went exactly as planned. They shaved away part of the acetabular bone and femoral head, and repaired the labrum. The surgeon gave us pictures and videos of the inside of my hip. I have enjoyed studying them and being able to see why my hip had been causing so much pain. I am happy to have the surgery behind me and to be headed toward full recovery. I am so thankful for all of the other dancers and twirlers that have contacted me and told me about the injuries that they have overcome. Thanks so much everyone for all of your support and encourgement. I really appreciate it. I will post more about the surgery later...   


  1. Congratulations on getting through your surgery so successfully, Annabel. And thank you for blogging and sharing your experience. Others will benefit!

    Cindy Hamilton
    Twirl Planet

  2. Thanks, Cindy, for your kind and encouraging words!

    Thanks to my brother Ted and his wife Carol for the beautiful bouquet Annabel is holding in the photo! You really brightened our day!

  3. Hi Annabell! wishing you a speedy recovery, glad the surgery went well!! :)

  4. Thanks so much Cindy and Chase!:)

  5. Annabel our thoughts are with you from Garfield Girls!!!!!

    Garfield Girls

  6. Is it weird that I think that the neat thing about this is that you get the pictures and video from your surgery? I always found how the human body works as a machine to be fascinating. (sorry to nerd out on everybody- I'm an engineer!) I'm glad that you got through it and your progress is going well!

  7. and since I just got done working out to Star Trek, I will say "Thrusters on Full!!!"
