Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Goodbye Nashville

Today I will head home for the first time since my surgery. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Nashville and am sad to be leaving such an amazing city. I am, however, looking forward to being home! I stayed at the Ronald McDonald House while in Nashville. The people at the house were very kind and generous. Every time guests walked through the front door, they were greeted with a smile. Seeing the difficulties that some of the other guests at the house have had to endure has made me truly thankful for my situation. Although my surgery has required me to take time off from some of the activities I enjoy most, I know that I will get better and I will be able to return to my normal life. Unfortunately, some of the amazing families at the Ronald McDonald House cannot say the same thing. I will continue to keep these families in my thoughts and prayers.
At the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at the Grand Ole Opry
My hip is doing great! I have been able to bike and do many upper body exercises. I have also been studying videos of ballet and baton performances. It has been nice to step out of the dance and baton world and really focus in on some details that seem to be overlooked when I am so caught up in making it to the gym or to class. I have learned to appreciate the artistry and simplicity of the two art forms, rather than only focusing on the big feature tricks.

Many exciting progressions occur next week! To list a few:

1)     I lose my crutches

2)     I can run on the elliptical machine

3)     I can swim laps

4)     I can drive

5)     I progress to “phase 2” of my physical therapy protocol
In the Parthenon by the Athena statue

 I again want to thank my family and friends for being so supportive. I would also like to thank all of the wonderful people that are part of the Nashville Sports Medicine team.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!



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