Thursday, December 20, 2012

7 Weeks Post Op

I am now able to be very active and I have very few restrictions. I am allowed full passive range of motion. Next week, I will start the advanced exercises of my physical therapy protocol. My left hip also has FAI, but it is unknown whether or not it has a labral tear. As I continue to swim, run, and do other more advanced exercises, I am being very careful to preserve my left hip. When I first saw my surgeon in Nashville he told me that my left hip will probably eventually need surgery, but he doesn't recommend it until my hip becomes a major problem. Hopefully that will be quite a ways down the road.

I'm able to twirl again!
I am very excited to begin returning to my activities. I plan to slowly return to dance classes, starting in January. I am able to do some twirling moves now, but because of all the loaded twisting movements in baton twirling, my physical therapist says it will still be a while until I can fully return to twirling.

A room I designed
It was very difficult to adjust to a less active lifestyle at first. Now, I realize that this experience gives me the opportunity to do things that I would never be able to do with a heavy training schedule. I have tried out some new, less physically demanding methods of artistic expression. I have found that I love to scrapbook and design rooms. I also have had a lot of fun learning how to do all different kinds of hair braids. I can't wait to see how some fun braid styles look when combined with a ballet bun. I've also enjoyed volunteering at a local holiday festival.

Thanks for your support! I hope everyone has a great holiday season!     

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